Plagiarism Policy

The rules mentioned below are accepted by all authors who apply for articles.


-Each article submitted to our Journal for publication must upload a similarity check report to the system using the Crossref Similarity CheckTurnitiniThenticate programs.

-It is checked for similarity by the Journal Editorial Board using the Crossref Similarity CheckTurnitiniThenticate programs.

-Articles with an overall similarity rate of over 15 % are sent back to the author without entering the referee process. In this case, the authors can edit the article and resubmit it within 3 weeks.

-The similarity rate from a single source must be less than 4%.

-Subject editors may check similarity during or after the peer-review process.

-In case of any similarities in expressions and/or blocks taken from a source, regardless of the similarity rate, and without reference to the relevant source, the work will be returned to the author without being taken into the evaluation process.