Editorial Team




Assist. Prof. Dr. Yeter ÇİLESİZ

Sivas Science and Technology University, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, Department of Plant Production and Technologies

E-Mail: ycilesiz@sivas.edu.tr


Turkish Language Editor

Assoc. Dr. Gökhan BAKTEMUR

Sivas Science and Technology University, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, Department of Plant Production and Technologies

E-Mail: gbaktemur@gmail.com



English Language Editor

Lecturer Ekrem ERÖZ

Sivas Science and Technology University, School of Foreign Languages, Department of Foreign Languages

E-Mail: ekrem.eroz@sivas.edu.tr


Publication and Layout Editor

Res. See. Ecem KARA

Sivas Science and Technology University, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, Department of Plant Production and Technologies

E-Mail: ekara@sivas.edu.tr



Prof. Dr. Hüsnü Deniz BAŞDEMİR

Sivas Science and Technology University, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

E-Mail: denizbasdemir@sivas.edu.tr


Prof. Dr. Kağan KÖKTEN

Sivas Science and Technology University, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, Department of Plant Production and Technologies

E-Mail: kahafe1974@yahoo.com


Prof. Dr. Emre BİÇER

Sivas Science and Technology University, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Department of Basic Engineering Sciences

E-Mail: emre.bicer@sivas.edu.tr


Prof. Dr. Hakan ÖZKAN

Çukurova University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Field Crops

E-Mail: hozkan@cu.edu.tr


Prof. Dr. Faruk TOKLU

Çukurova University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Field Crops

E-Mail: fapet@cu.edu.tr


Prof. Dr. Nafiz ÇELİKTAŞ

Hatay Mustafa Kemal University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Field Crops

E-Mail: nafizcel@hotmail.com


Prof. Dr. Ercan CEYHAN

Selçuk University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Field Crops

E-Mail: eceyhan@selcuk.edu.tr


Prof. Dr. Fatih SEYİS

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Field Crops

E-Mail: fatih.seyis@erdogan.edu.tr


Prof. Dr. Ahmet İLÇİM

Hatay Mustafa Kemal University, Faculty of Science and Letters, Department of Biology

E-Mail: ailcim@yahoo.com


Prof. Dr. Volkan ALTAY

Hatay Mustafa Kemal University, Faculty of Science and Letters, Department of Biology

E-Mail: valtay@mku.edu.tr


Assoc. Dr. Seyithan SEYDOŞOĞLU

Siirt University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Field Crops

E-Mail: seyithanseydosoglu@siirt.edu.tr



Assoc. Dr. Emre EVLİCE

Sivas Science and Technology University, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, Department of Plant Protection

E-Mail: emre.evlice@sivas.edu.tr


Assoc. Dr. Gökhan BAKTEMUR

Sivas Science and Technology University, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, Department of Plant Production and Technologies

E-Mail: gbaktemur@gmail.com


Assoc. Dr. Asuman KAPLAN EVLİCE

Sivas Science and Technology University, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, Department of Plant Production and Technologies

E-Mail: asuman.kaplanevlice@sivas.edu.tr


Assoc. Dr. Kemal ADEM

Sivas Science and Technology University, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Department of Computer Engineering

E-Mail: kemaladem@sivas.edu.tr


Assoc. Dr. Nazım BABACAN

Sivas Science and Technology University, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Department of Mechanical Engineering

E-Mail: nazimbabacan@sivas.edu.tr


Assoc. Dr. Esra UÇAR SÖZMEN

Sivas Cumhuriyet University, Sivas Vocational School of Technical Sciences, Department of Plant and Animal Production

E-Mail: eucar@cumhuriyet.edu.tr


Assist. Prof. Dr.  Betül KAFKASLIOĞLU YILDIZ

Sivas Science and Technology University, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering

E-Mail: bkyildiz@sivas.edu.tr


Assist. Prof. Dr. Ali SUAT YILDIZ

Sivas Science and Technology University, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Department of Mechanical Engineering

E-Mail: suat@sivas.edu.tr


Assist. Prof. Dr. Fuat ERDEN

Sivas Science and Technology University, Faculty of Aviation and Astronautics, Department of Aeronautical Engineering

E-Mail: fuaterden@sivas.edu.tr



Çukurova University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Biology




Assoc. Dr. Ramazan KATIRCI

Sivas Science and Technology University, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering

E-Mail: ramazankatirci@sivas.edu.tr


Assoc. Dr. Rare NAQQASH

Muhammad Nawaz Sharif Agricultural University, Plant Protection Institute

Email: nadir.naqqash@mnsuam.edu.pk


Prof. Dr. Jinke TANG

University of Wyoming, Department of Physics

E-Mail: jtang2@uwyo.edu.tr


Prof. Dr. Saowapa DUANGPAN

Prince of Songkla University, Faculty of Natural Resources, Department of Agricultural Innovation and Management,

Email: saowapa.d@psu.ac.th


Dr. Lecturer member Sajid FIAZ

Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, Haripur University

Email: sfiaz@uoh.edu.pk


Dr. Qilin DAI

Jackson State University, Department of Physics

E-Mail: qilin.dai@jsums.edu.tr


Dr. Tajamul HUSSAIN

Prince of Songkla University, Faculty of Natural Resources, Department of Agricultural Innovation and Management

Email: 6110630006@psu.ac.th