Microwave Acted Reduction of Poor Iron Ore/Limonite Fine and Iron Waste Mix with Biochar





Mikrodalga indirgeme , atık demir, limonit bulamaçları , mikrodalga, demir cevheri kompostları


On this method, it is possible to benefit from iron waste sludge, wet poor iron waste of foundries and poor iron ore, and to recycle iron and even other precious metals such as tin, chromium, cobalt and nickel in the waste. In this study, preparation and microwave-assisted reduction, concentration and pre-reduction of poor iron ores were applied sequentially. The microwave effective reduction method was detailed investigated for the low-grade limonite and hematite iron ores of Şırnak Province and the poor iron ores of the Eastern Anatolian region of Turkey. In this study, density- and reduction-dependent bubble bed microwave reduction in the poor iron ores of Şırnak was investigated with sequential processes. It has been determined that iron ore waste slimes and foundry sludges can be evaluated in a mixture compost after the recovery of iron from poor limonite ores and briquetting with coal and charcoal at a feed/char weight ratio of 9/1.


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How to Cite

TOSUN, Y. İsmail. (2024). Microwave Acted Reduction of Poor Iron Ore/Limonite Fine and Iron Waste Mix with Biochar. ISPEC JOURNAL OF SCIENCE INSTITUTE, 3(1), 1–18. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12573484


